Need Help? Call 211 or 1-888-421-1266.
Available 24/7/365 to connect you to the resources you need. Connect online at https://www.211connectsalabama.org/
2-1-1 continues to be a vital program of United Way and an important resource to our community at-large in 2022. Our call center partners across the state were busy as ever taking calls to help with emergencies and every day needs.
In 2022, over 800 calls were made to 2-1-1 from our area. Callers were seeking assistance primarily with energy assistance, housing, food and health needs.
This statewide service is fully funded through our United Way, and all the United Ways across Alabama, to provide emergency assistance and non-emergency referrals to agencies that can assist in times of need. The 2-1-1 system is a vital resource during natural disasters by helping to coordinate those in need to resources and organizations that can provide help in their most desperate time.
As part of this initiative, our United Way annually participates in local mock disaster drills to stay prepared and ready. Throughout the year, we work hard to keep our local referral resources updated and add new resources as we become aware of them.