Our Work
The Lake Martin Area United Way brings together people from business, government, education, health care, faith groups, non-profits and ordinary citizens. We draw attention to issues facing our communities and form partnerships to create programs that improve everyone’s quality of life. United Way does not support just one issue or cause - we provide resources that tackle multiple issues with a single contribution. When you donate to the Lake Martin Area United Way, you will see your dollars in action. You can give, you can advocate, and you can volunteer. That’s what it means to LIVE UNITED.
United Way's Annual Campaign
Each year, United Way campaigns to individuals and area businesses to increase new donors and gain additional pledges. Dollars raised go directly to United Way to support important programs that promote EDUCATION, INCOME, and HEALTH.
How can I give?
One way to give is during your workplace campaign. You may pledge any amount you wish to be automatically deducted from your paycheck. Other ways to give are by sending your donation to the Lake Martin Area United Way office or click and give online by clicking the Donate button on the top right. It’s that easy!
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! When filing income taxes, all contributions to the United Way organization are tax deductible.