Hurricane Helene Relief

Best ways to help our friends in distress

By now, we've all seen the devastation left by Hurricane Helene to our neighboring states. There are still many people stranded, in need of basic necessities, and missing. There has been loss of life and property, and the full scope of the destruction is still unknown.

How can you help?

What is needed most at this time is financial support for those affected. There are many wonderful and worthy organizations working on the ground and with local authorities, non-profits, and responding agencies in the affected states.


We are starting to see several local businesses, churches, and organizations collecting items to deliver to affected areas from Hurricane Helene. To our knowledge, each is coordinating directly with partner groups regarding the needs, delivery, and coordination. Please keep in mind many have lost everything and have no way to store/keep anything other than their most immediate needed items.

This is community at its best! Neighbors helping neighbors!


If you would like to give through the Lake Martin Area United Way, we will be happy to take your donation designated for Hurricane Helene Relief and will forward it to those local United Ways in the areas/states affected.


** PLEASE NOTE - This list is NOT an endorsement of any one organization or agency over another, nor is it in any order of importance. It is only intended to be a resource and guide. Please do your own research and/or give where, and as you feel most led.**



These State United Ways have also set up Disaster Funds to help their states/residents:

Note: *United Way Worldwide is working with 20 local United Ways in 5 states and funds donated will be shared with local United Ways in the affected areas.

What else can I do?

PRAY. The power of prayer is mighty. The survivors, first responders, volunteer organizations, families of those lost/missing, local authorities, etc. could all use our prayers. The road to recovery will be very long for many of these areas.

If you want to donate through the Lake Martin Area United Way:

Checks should be made payable to us with "Hurricane Helene" in the Memo line

Mail to: P.O. Box 876, Alexander City, AL 35011

Venmo: @LakeMartinUW - please put Hurricane in when donating

ONLINE - please add Hurricane to the Donor Notes